јул 22, 2004

      Ne znam ni kako, ni u kom se času to dogodilo, samo se sjećam, da su mi se međe između budnog stanja i bunila neosjetno pomakle i da je iz tame, kao crn oblak, iznikla nejasna spodoba, kojoj sam, poljuljane svesti, jedva uspijevala prepoznati obrise, i ostati mirna, i kada sam osjetila da se dišući šumno nadnosi nada me poškropiv me teškim vonjem dezinfekcionih sredstava kakvim odišu sve sanitetske ustanove, dajući mi tim mirisom na znanje da se ipak ne sučeljavam s vlastitom patnjom, već sa naravnom činjenicom, i da nada mnom ne lebdi proizvod mašte, već nečastivi u ljudskom obličju, čiju sam težinu osjetila s vrha glave, na koju se spustila široka muška šaka zatisnuvši mi usta, pa do nogu, kojih su kolena, uprkos grčevitom otporu, brutalno razmaknuta, da bi mi u utrobu, nasilno uz strašnu bol i krv, prodrlo strano himbeno tijelo, uprljavši me zauvijek.

Živojin Pavlović,
Zadah tela (Hladni sjaj glečera)

1 коментар:

Анониман је рекао...

It took so long to remember just what happened. I was so young and vestal then, you know it
hurt me, but I'm breathing so I guess I'm still alive even if signs seem to tell me otherwise. I've got my
hands bound, my head down, my eyes closed, and my throat wide open. Do unto others what has been
done to you. I'm treading water, I need to sleep a while. My lamb and martyr, you look so precious. Won't
you come a bit closer, close enough so I can smell you. I need you to feel this, I can't stand to burn too
long. Released in this sodomy. For one sweet moment I am whole. Do unto you now what has been done
to me. You're breathing so I guess you're still alive even if signs seem to tell me otherwise. Won't you come
just a bit closer, close enough so I can smell you. I need you to feel this. I need this to make me whole.
There's release in this sodomy. For I am your witness that blood and flesh can be trusted. And only this one
holy medium brings me piece of mind. Got your hands bound, your head down, your eyes closed. You look
so precious now. I have found some kind of temporary sanity in this shit blood and cum on my hands. I've
come round full circle. My lamb and martyr, this will be over soon. You look so precious